“It’s incredible to notice how everyone has different whereabouts, and you are part of that mirage of beautiful differences— happening all at once. “
when life gives you lemons…
“It is essential to have some shared peace of mind whenever we venture unto something, and simply giving our ‘lemons’ first to GOD is a great way to start using the rest of processes to come into their proper views.”
the downfall of glamorizing jobs
“May you still have the luxury of time to read your favourite books, watch your favourite movies, and decorate your homes for the upcoming Christmas — I mean, may you have a work-life balance. I pray you won’t lose yourself trying to “get there.””
believe all the way
“Still, I can assure you that having hope in pursuing such a journey is already a win for you— a dedication towards a dream that might seem a mist for now. Still, one day, it’s gonna be as clear cut as a bright sky in springtime.”
of rainy sundays
“No matter what you do, be intentionally genuine. This shall make you feel better & alive.”
an open letter for uncle jo
“There is so much happening in my life now, but one thing is for sure, my values are intact, my faith is stronger, and my hope is boundless.”
Don’t You have a GOD?
” I hope our relationship with GOD will always be cultivated with hope as we brave this life’s journey where all of us are just pilgrims heading to the eternal place HE prepares for those who believe in HIM.”
counting our days
Since day waits for no one, may this be an important reminder for us to count our days — especially in light of eternity. Let us remember also that we are only but a moment.
that life.
“At the end of the day, we just want to have that life where we wake up in the morning and make our coffee while watching the sunrise with our dog by our side and a family or few friends to share this beautiful moment with”
to fostering healthy online community
“A simple act of kindness of letting them know how we feel about them will change that dark part of it & who knows, might ripple to a genuine connection which fosters healthy community amongst people both in some world & outside the screen.”
go back home, always.
“I guess intentionality coupled with slowing down, feeling the warmth beneath your feet, and REALLY noticing things inside us makes us mindful of seeing the things outside us and can make our daily lives meaningful as the true home is all along within us”
happy new year.
“Whatever you do, see to it you are doing it to the glory of GOD through CHRIST.”
that christmas eve.
“I hope your Christmas season is going well.”
The Pain you cannot Name
“This is the kind of pain that we don’t want to name because we convinced ourselves that it’s not hurting; in fact, it is, in a prolonged and vengeful way.”
“I am here to say that hustle culture is not something really to be proud of, ESPECIALLY if it costs your health and even life. It is okay to hustle, but only if you are compensated and it won’t affect you significantly. Simply put, if you SLOW DOWN when it is pretty overwhelming and do nothing for a while, that’s a pretty good way to balance things out.”
slow down
“The world is NOT going to leave us if we take things slowly. So, may you take everything in front of you so that you are self-aware, mindful, and yes, take things slowly, little soul; you are doing just fine.”
some contemplations at camiguin
“See, the island has a way of healing people. It gives them this soft tap in the back of subtly saying, “Do not let other people or situations rent in your mind for free. There is a whole other world out there.”
“You are calm. You are fine. It’s fine now.”
life as of now, and entropy.
“To be gritty enough to encourage ourselves that no matter what happens tomorrow, and regardless of its randomness, I will be ready for it and accept the changes with hope that it might not always be the thing that we want or it might be the thing that we want, we are always able to see it as an opportunity to grow.”
1st of August
“Despite everything, I pray you will have the courage to overcome its pain.”
15th of July 2023
“My silence offered a reverence response to its majestic landscape. “
14th of July 2023
“To see our struggle and pain to conform us in the image of CHRIST, for HIS glory, not our own.”
13th of July 2023
“I hope you had a gentle day. Have some restful sleep, and do not forget to have a heart like a child.”
12th of July 2023
“How the world treats us can be surreal, but it is our choice to let it sink and drown us. The option is ours.”
11th of July 2023
“Take each day as a gift because we never know how a day will turn out. Every day has its new branding, so make it memorable.”
10th of July 2023
“Contentment does not completely devoid us of noble ambitions, no. It is a state of mind and heart that makes us grateful for what we have on our platter at this very moment and makes us thankful beyond a reasonable doubt. “
9th of July 2023
“Dear soldier, take it easy.”
8th of July 2023
“If you start it with a heart filled with gratitude, then the rest of the remaining hours shall be filled with such.”
31st of May 2023
“…and to you, reader, for keeping up with me until now, thank you.
22nd of May 2023
“Remember that for us to be functional enough, we should find rest as a top priority.”
19th of May 2023
“Today, I saw hope. I saw hope in their little eyes.”
15th of May 2023
“I hope your day is going well. However it took place, I hope it leaves you something to be grateful for.”
14th of May 2023
“This will be a short reminder to always have the right headspace before doing anything you have to. You can save time and do things with a joyful, motivated heart.”
12th of May 2023
“May all that we do point to the glory of GOD. Even if it means we have to go through troubling times.”
11th of May 2023
“I hope we can learn to stop by and appreciate things unless we want to have a fast-paced life that often leaves us tiresome and discontented.”
10th of May 2023
“Mornings are important. Same as how you end the day. So tonight, let us end it with a grateful heart and start the morning tomorrow with the same thing.”
9th of May 2023
“No matter how you define success, always ensure your family and loved ones will be happy of the things you were blessed with.”
8th of May 2023
“GOD will do what HE wills to do on the time that HE wills it to.”
5th of May 2023
“We might not always get motivated, true, that is why we always have to be disciplined. Unless we learn this, we will never know the power of a single step being done every day with consistency.”
3rd of May 2023
“Use your purpose to come back stronger, more mature, more humble, and more equipped, whenever life knocks you down.”
2nd of May 2023
” I think the things we hope shall come back to us pretty softly. Whether we notice it or not, it does, and it will.”
1st of May 2023
“Whatever it is, just like the rain of may that I am hoping to pour down again, may your hopes fly along with your heart. One lovely day, I hope it shall appear to you in ways you never expected it to be.”
30th of April 2023
“Sure, you want to avenge yourself, but there is something extraordinary when you just leave it all in GOD’s hands.”
29th of April 2023
“More than anything else, i hope you will always have the heart to listen and understand.”
28th of April 2023
“To every individual who claims to be a follower of Christ, and to everyone who had the opportunity to read this letter and wants to follow Christ, we are called to “Deny ourselves and carry our cross” when we follow Him (Matthew 16:24).”
27th of April 2023
“I think the most beautiful things are the ones we do not show off. We treasure it so much we do not want it to showcase for public applause.”
26th of April 2023
“I realized that we do not always need to be happy to make us feel better. We should be resilient instead. for in resiliency, we find ourselves joyful despite the awful feeling we might meet when things do not go our way or what we desire.”
25th of April 2023
“I hope whatever you have there as your “in case of emergency”, toolkit or belt, may it brings you the peace and the help you desperately needed at that moment.”
24th of April 2023
“As a human being, just treat the people around you with respect. Be sensitive with your words and your actions. Be sincere with people. Being kind and respectful won’t cost you anything. I’m pretty sure that it will not return to you in vain.”
23rd of April 2023
“In life, we should be aware of those little rules we must follow to live accordingly, whether in big or small things we face. This shall help us to be a little respectful of other people’s rights.”
22nd of April 2023
“So maybe tonight we shall be speechless, not because we don’t have anything to say about it, but because there are too many thoughts inside us we could not put into words.”
21st of April 2023
“Pick your burden. Make a decision. Life is a struggle, but I know that this is a struggle worth fighting for.”
20th of April 2023
“I have realized there is so much more to focus on than our sadness. The world is wide.”
19th of April 2023
“We should not be dictated by fear; we should be the ones to get the neck of it.”
18th of April 2023
“If we want to know HIM deeply, let us ask for HIS help to guide us in knowing HIM in SPIRIT and TRUTH.”
17th of April 2023
“Nothing beats kindness, indeed, for it is the wellspring of our inside life that eventually cascades into beautiful actions if we try to let it flow.”
16th of April 2023
“It would be so beautiful to have someone who listens to you, not to reply, but to listen to understand and, of course, to listen.”
15th of April 2023
“We might not be able to see the clear sand below when we walk the ocean of life, may we venture it with hope knowing the GOD of all grace is with us now and forevermore in the presence of HIS SON, JESUS CHRIST.”
14th of April 2023
“Whatever dreams you have there inside your heart, make it concrete. Set it into reality NOW. take baby steps until you get there.”
13th of April 2023
“If you find yourself in the position of asking for validation from people, try to cut it down.”
12th of April 2023
“Sometimes we put too much pressure on the pursuit of patching our desire to achieve it. Remember that too much pressure will also make things disperse in disorder.”
11th of April 2023
“It’s reassuring to have someone in my life who finds so much joy in the little things, like a juicy piece of watermelon, in a world that can be so serious and stressful. “
10th of April 2023
“Channel your pain to something the society can benefit from and or something to be transformed as wholesome despite the haunting source of such motivation”
6th of April 2023
“Like the full moon, may we inspire and help lost souls who are wandering in this life.”
5th of April 2023
“Maybe we miss them big time because we “missed” a lot of things with them that could have happened.”
4th of April 2023
“Life is full of little treasures, and it’s up to us to cherish them. “
3rd of April 2023
“May we have the wisdom to discern people with whom we would honor and place our trust with.”
2nd of April 2023
“Remember that the presence of GOD is anywhere as long as you are calling HIM through CHRIST. “
1st of April 2023
“Speaking of new beginnings, since April budded like a sweet promising summer for us, may we ask the guidance of our LORD, and may HIS providence carry us through. This month shall be spread out in light of HIS will and provisions that shall take place for HIS GLORY.”
31st of March 2023
“Remember, the greatest growth often comes from the most significant challenges.”
30th of March 2023
“When you’re hurt, make sure you find the healing you need. Do not try to splatter your emotional baggage on anyone else you think you can because you’re hurting. Be rational enough to own your pains and address them accordingly.”
29th of March 2023
“Remember to take things one step at a time, address why you’re struggling, be kind to yourself, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. With time and effort, you can achieve the change you desire.”
28th of March 2023
“This is a good reminder for us to take extra care of our minds and not to overlook the things we find emotionally and mentally discomforting.”
27th of March 2023
“I hope you received the love you deserve today.”
26th of March 2023
“Go, and make yourself comfortable. For in being comfortable, it shall be your rest.”
25th of March 2023
“If GOD knows the ins and outs, HE will surely give justice one day, and with that, I repeat it, I rest my case.”
“True, I might relapse from time to time, but victory is in me through CHRIST. In every single day, I am being sanctified in hopes of GLORY.”
23rd of March 2023
“To be genuinely alive would lead us to the awareness of our existence and its fragility.”
22nd of March 2023
“I think it is important to find genuine people that will help us venture this journey called life.”
21st of March 2023
“You know, we can always make beautiful things out of the mundane. You just need to be intentional. “
20th of March 2023
“I am sharing this because I want to testify that GOD is good. HE has carried me through. I never thought it was bearable until now I am typing this as a sign the subject has been done.”
19th of March 2023
“Maybe there is joy between this, and for now, i guess i am living in that in-between.”
18th of March 2023
“All shall be well. take care of yourself.”
17th of March 2023
“Maybe some Christian girls just over-spiritualized the idea of modesty already, and they overlooked the natural modesty that comes from the flow of the heart, not just by wearing long sleeves tops and long skirts. Still, honestly…. it is more on directing yourself with beautiful character.”
“Take things slowly and enjoy. Not just with the coffee thing but in life in general. May we take things slowly yet surely, knowing entirely what we will do at that moment.”
“Being silent is simply, you know, being content with yourself and the way the world is treating you now. to stand up with grace and sit down with gentleness. step cautiously and stop deliberately.”
14th of March 2023
“Find some ways to make yourself comfortable tonight. might it be watching this unsolicited recommendation of mine, and or a book?
13th of March 2023
“We might never see the whole staircase, but let us have faith in every step we take and seize it with a deliberate choice of hard work and joy.”
12th of March 2023
“May we begin our new slates with the guidance of our LORD. It is the best thing possible that we can ever find ourselves.”
11th of March 2023
“Just the next right thing. Just do the next right thing.”
10th of March 2023
“Do not be afraid to reach out, do things and take risks, because truly, we are only but a number of days.”
9th of March 2023
“I love how last night was pure, and it reminds me how surprising the world can become when we least expect it to be.”
8th of March 2023
“Whatever it is, those who will remain loyal to us and not leave us behind when hardship comes, and won’t ever replace us for someone they meet along the way, are the people we should honor for the rest of our lives.”
7th of March 2023
“The moon might appear beautiful, and believe me, just like the moon that shines so majestic without noise, so are you.”
6th of March 2023
“Our memory is a gift from God. Open it now, and may it bring back something that has been lost inside you for so many long time, and that no matter awful or awesome which only you can understand, may it gives you hope to anchor yourself in the facets of life.”
5ht of March 2023
“Your beauty doesn’t define by how many say you’re beautiful or how many say you aren’t.”
4th of March 2023
“Sometimes it is the mundane things that genuinely make us happy.”
3rd of March 2023
“We might never come back to where we were, but I hope the essence of the past will forever remain inside all of us.”
2nd of March 2023
“I hope we learn to recognize the fear but not live with it. We are messy people, but we do not have to end up messy. “
1st of March 2023
“May our new and fresh perspectives for this month unfold like a river flowing with a much broader view to start the month gently and right.”
28th of February 2023
“Whenever we notice negative thoughts or beliefs within us, we can pause and rethink appropriately and be rational despite the fangs of emotions that try to tear our reasonable walls down.”
27th of February 2023
“Sure, wealth and achievements or maybe fame shall make a man happy, but he will never be satisfied enough to be joyful.”
26th of February 2023
“We are only but a moment.”
25th of February 2023
“Perhaps the people you want will never be yours but think of a particular impact you have found in them that makes you a better person, and stick with that.”
24th of February 2023
“That same Grace that saved us from the start shall be the same Grace that will sustain us until we finish this race we have been called heavenwards.”
23rd of February 2023
“I just find life so full of things to be thankful for. And maybe, for me, it is deep in its simplest form.”
22nd of February 2023
“Being emotional does not mean we should also be illogical. Be vulnerable with your mind working pretty well, still.”
“We have to pick circumstances that are worth our energy. In short, we have to channel our energy to what truly matters. “
20th of February 2023
“Pain can be both good and harmful. It can make someone better or can make someone worse. Be wise in handling your pain.”
19th of February 2023
“When you feel overwhelmed, try to look from afar, and you will see how different the view will be for you to see a new perspective.”
18th of February 2023
a quite short letter from Paul
17th of February 2023
“May we choose to not be affected with the things that weighs a little in the long run.”
16th of February 2023
“Also, we can never control how other people will act, but we can control our response. May we respond rationally, gently, and kindly. That shall be enough for them to realize their flaws.”
15th of February 2023
Write me some questions too.
14th of February 2023
“Like May, may we also delight in the presence of other people and care for them as much as we care for ourselves, because a love well shared is a life worth living. “
13th of February 2023
“I wonder if we are all honest with what we are really feeling. Maybe, just maybe, things will be lighter for us to carry.”
12th of February 2023
“Fill this week with your realities. Pick that reality up and summon it with your faith. You shall be alright.”
11th of February 2023
“Sometimes, for us to be not bothered about the harsh reality of this deadly world, we must turn to the other side and look at a new, fresh perspective to avoid unwelcome frustrations and unnecessary pain”
10th of February 2023
“Just like Cowper, may we come to believe that “HE treasures up HIS bright designs, And works HIS sovereign will.” May we cultivate a heart of full trust and reverence to GOD.”
9th of February 2023
“Lastly, if you ever came to know CHRIST, it would be better to know HIM more. If you have not, find HIM in the Scriptures, and then know HIM more. It sums up all of the contentment in our vacuum-prone hearts.”
8th of February 2023
“Please do something today your future self will thank you. Just do.”
7th of February 2023
“Whatever we do, it shall always boil down to His will and HIS pursuit.”
6th of February 2023
“If your Monday did not look good, I hope you will find a spark of yearning for something worthwhile that is coming.”
5th of February 2023
“The Darling of heaven humbled HIMSELF and came down here on earth to take the fullness of The FATHER’s Wrath. Something that even the mightiest warrior on earth won’t survive, even with just the tiniest bit of it. CHRIST showed on that cross…”
4th of February 2023
“There will always be roadblocks in our way, but we should learn how to jump off these roadblocks.
3rd of February 2023
“Perhaps, you have Someone more Who can be a sanctuary for you. That is the True Safe Space in a place where it is not.”
2nd of February 2023
“Perhaps, one of the beautiful things in life is to enjoy the company of cronies.”
1st of February 2023
“I hope you will find the strength to the GOD who looks down from the Heavens above and hear the groans of HIS people. “
31st of January 2023
“Sometimes, it is hard to think of being alone, but I always believe that there is someone out there who reads, and that is why I keep on writing.”
30th of January 2023
“As you continue to adore things around you, I know many of us will continue to adore you as well. “
29th of January 2023
“May we truly learn to worship the GOD of the Bible, and not the god made up by our minds.”
28th of January 2021
“Let us find comfort in little things amidst these troubling times. “
27th of January 2023
“May we live and breathe. Seize every moment given, and don’t worry too much. Because this too, shall pass.”
26th of January 2023
“HE is the LORD, let HIM do what seems to be good to HIM. I think that is all that matters.”
25th of January 2023
“Kindness can be scary though, especially if you do not know the intention behind it. Even if you do, if it is not grafted from sincere care for someone’s needs and solely focused on your good, then it is doubtful if it is a GOD-glorifying kind of kindness.”
24th of January 2023
“May you choose battles that will produce a meaningful victory rather than choosing what seems to be a losing game. “
23rd of January 2023
“No matter how strange and fragile we have become in terms of our faith and identity, I hope we can still see the light at the end of the tunnel, by finding our way back to where it all began.”
22nd of January 2023
“Knowing that GOD is just, may the LORD help us be calm, cool, and in control in all situations.”
21st of January 2023
“I hope you can take a step back and find the strength to go on by the Grace of GOD and in HIS TRUTH through JESUS CHRIST that you are forgiven.”
20th of January 2023
“It takes courage to be kind. So, be courageous enough to be one.”
19th of January 2023
“The path we are walking through becomes worthwhile when we have some shoulders to lean on.”
“Discernment is not the voice or the whisper in your head telling you what to do, but it is the conscious working of our mind to reason out in an objective, Scripture-based manner, and that considers the wellness of all, and on top of all, it unifies the Body of CHRIST, not breaking it. “
17th of January 2023
” But, hey, no matter what happens, always resolve on turning to CHRIST. This is the greatest foundation you can ever have in this lifetime and in eternity. “
16th of January 2023
“Maybe we cannot understand some people in our lives, but we can only love them, and if we love them enough, maybe we can realize that sticking with them when times get difficult is enough, and yes, noble.”
15th of January 2023
“GOD’s grace sometimes comes through people whose hearts are ready to listen and understand you with love grafted from CHRIST.”
14th of January 2023
“You don’t gain people. Real ones willingly come without you trying and intentionally influencing them to be part of your life.”
13th of January 2023
“Always find time to make yourself comfortable, even in the middle of a chaotic world. Tonight might be the night.”
“Do not change who you are just because you were hurt. Be the kindest person you wish they would be.”
11th of January 2023
“A good cry shall give you comfort. It’s okay.”
10th of January 2023
“May we cultivate a perspective in light of eternity.”
9th of January 2023
“May we learn to clear our mind and face it again with courage the next day, all by the GRACE of GOD.”
8th of January 2023
“Or simply sleep tonight with new bed sheets and pillowcases.”
7th of January 2023
“May we find healing in HIS sacrifice. “
6th of January 2023
“Think of their blinks as “Hi, little soul; I shall be here for you.”‘
5th of January 2023
“Like people, when they do rest, they don’t lose a thing.”
“P.S . It would be best to start reading STAR STRUCK by Dr. David Bradstreet and Steve Rabey.”
Dear 2022, I hate you
“You let me see and believe that GOD IS SOVEREIGN, still. That is enough for me.”
a stroll from memory lane
“and if you are like me who wants to wander from memory lane, may we never forget to embody the beauty of what had been to our present. “
some thoughts about friendship
“Whatever it is, those who will remain loyal to us and not leave us behind when hardship comes, and won’t ever replace us for someone they meet along the way, are the people we should honor for the rest of our lives. ”
no matter what, forgive
“Forgive, and if possible, be kind. Be ever the kindest that you never were before.”
a lesson from meteors
“It leaves me feeling happy & content that despite how harsh this world is, there are still a few beautiful things that sometimes get unnoticed.”
to an overthinker
“You are familiar with the pain, maybe? But here, not all pain is painful.”
the next right thing
Now, get that kettle on and prepare some coffee, clean that dusty table of your workspace and put some little graceful reminder, and or simply throw that garbage from the bin and replace it with a new garbage bag— whatever it is, do something worthwhile as a “next thing…”
I met Jesus
“I wish everyone would discover its beauty, its power, and most importantly, its saving grace.
THE GOSPEL will always be enough. No more, no less.”
why i don’t want to write anymore
“I was lonely in thinking that this world can never be warm enough to understand you nor to ask you first before jumping into puddles of conclusions. “
i’m out of words
“Where focus can be accessed more like 2/10 everyday.”
yet, silence
I hope if she could not defend herself, GOD will.
it’s miserable and magical
“Only those who can understand what voidness means will be able to cross that understanding.”
“i already miss her”
“She was looking at me from time to time, I don’t know, but she did.”
“He took off his facemask and then looked at me.”
“I saw my kindergarten teacher; it was more than nostalgia. “
8th of May 2022
The catch is, can light not be around?
“It has an extremely high vapor pressure. Imagine if you open a container of mercury, a dispersion of metal will be on the air.”
“We are high corrosion resistance.” his voice was shaking. “
7th of May 2022
“Of course, light and shadow cannot be separated.”
6th of May 2022
Yet the more she drifted away from the light, the more the light appeared.
5th of May 2022
“It’s difficult. True love is difficult,” the shadow responded.
3rd of May 2022
Sometimes it turned very glorious she thought it will never gonna fade, but that night, it changed.
2nd of May 2022
“What if all of these aren’t real? What if I am just living on the concept of my reality?
1st of May 2022
“Of course, the light did not respond, for it was not hearing her.”
I don’t know if Ale noticed that I got his message right. But I think he is smart enough to understand its subtlety and knows I can crack all the indirect pieces of information he used to set on.
an open letter for Aslan
The thing about growing up is forgetting about what happened in the past. But if there’s something I cannot fade into mind is You.
“You’re hiding something,” he answered. “Aren’t we all?” I said.
on the afternoon of December
It dawned on me that my mind was on that realm of December afternoon.
under the maple tree
The sun was scorching hot, yet the wind served as a clad to not feel the heat.
messy phrases
Under the lampshade, she wrote about something she hardly knew about. Something that she is oblivious about. She stopped for a while and realized she was taking a new path of self-discovery, at the same time forgiving herself for yesterday’s guilt and worn-out fantasies she made. Yet now, she is writing about different things. She…
when you are heading to the mountain…
“So that’s it, heck, it was hard, but here we are.”
your batman’s belt
the thing is, you should know where you can stand your ground when uneasiness comes.
to the moon
when i was young, i thought that the moon had been stalking me since there has never been a night it was not following me. I thought it was so small i can keep it in my small pocket, and you know, that kind that you can have an instant baseball game because of the…
cold nights of december.
an unstable peace can be as destructive as any civil war. –Charles Duhigg (The Power of Habit ) crying, she lit up her small lampshade, took her notebook and wrote. she finally start to realized that she was so done with the idea that people are good. people aren’t good if they are tired, and…
hello. I have been here on my notepad for quite some minutes now, and I don’t have any concrete idea what to write….is it because I don’t have something to say or I have so much to say I don’t know how to select a thought and begin? I also don’t know, but maybe, just…
“Names have their way of telling us who we are”, he said while pointing to the last star to connect in forming the constellation that we have been sighting.
Who would be there for you?
hello. I just want this article to be soft and easy to read, so I’m going to be writing this as short as possible and you know, that kind that seems this message is for you exclusively. First, I just want to say my thanks that you clicked that link over there and made effort…
you have to learn to let go
At least, this theory explains our feelings, and when feelings are explained, they start to make sense and make us feel a little bit better.
look closely
I don’t know who’s to blame to what I feel if I only knew you came along pretty pixelated on the reel.
how to create your own world?
Words are people’s tools in describing an impact, both good and bad, and that is an amazing way of expressing ourselves in any circumstances. Oftentimes, we use our freedom of speech in a way other people’s freedom disappears. We say we just want to express something inside us, but fail to put concern on the…
how would I know if I love GOD?
just like the unfriendly road we went through going at the sea of clouds, it reminds me of a metaphor of the reality of the Christian life.
I don’t know much, but this I know.
So yeah, I don’t know much about peace of mind, but not until I finish writing this.
the good in ‘goodbyes’
finally, saying goodbye does not hurt after all.
God is More than just a Motivation
I know I may go against some perspective but take time to read. One of the trends in our age is the “Christian Motivational Speaking” which we see in vlogs, TikTok, Instagram, youtube, and Facebook. It’s good, uplifting, and of course motivational, but as I watched and listened to various contents, it has some dangers…
Dear Soul
hello, there. by the time you are reading this I might be sleeping or working with my schoolwork, haha, but please know that God has a purpose why He let you click that link back on my FB and led you here. This message is for you. Tired? Tired. Restless? Restless. Okay? Kinda. Sometimes, life…
Memories Bring Back Memories Bring Back…
In our Cognitive Psychology class last week, we started talking about memory. Memory has something to do with our past experiences that in any way can influence how a person thinks or is behaving now and or in the future (Joordens, 2011). Okay, let us not go through its analytical explanation, but a memory, despite…
A lesson from Sakura
Living means reaching out to the people who affect your heart. -Sakura
Why I hate myself?
But on top of all, I hate myself for hating myself like this.
Please Survive
To be honest, I am afraid sharing this because I was thinking that, “people might see me weak because I’m sharing my struggle”, but I think I really need to, especially on this site because it’s my new “pour down your feelings out” also because I ran out of journals. Another reason is I am…
Remembering Who we Are
“I hope you can return to the child in you whenever you feel this way. It will give more wisdom than the constant chatter of your current overthinker mind.”