3rd of May 2023
Dear Reader,
Life is full of suffering. Maybe we can even say that life itself is suffering. How do we make it meaningful then? How do we make sense of our own existence amidst this chaotic structure?
“To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.” That’s what Friedrich Nietzsche has said. What’s your reason in getting up every time you fall?
That’s your meaning.
That’s your purpose.
If you’re struggling to find your purpose amidst suffering, start by looking behind you and see the faces of those who have helped you stand every time you stumble. They are your meaning. They are your purpose. Use your purpose to come back stronger, more mature, more humble, and more equipped, whenever life knocks you down. Let’s end with the words of Ernest Hemingway, saying;
Have a goodnight.
Grace be upon you.